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Links to download PDFs of many lab publications are provided below. If you cannot get access to a paper that you want to read, please email us.
Authorship notes: ⁼equal contribution; *current or former mentee
L. N. Carley⁼, M. A. Geber⁼, W. F. Morris, V. Eckhart, and D. A. Moeller. Local adaptation is highest in populations with stable long-term growth. In press at Ecology Letters. doi pdf dataset
L. N. Carley, T. Mitchell-Olds, and W. F. Morris. Increasing aridity may threaten the maintenance of a plant defense polymorphism. Ecology Letters. doi pdf dataset
A. Simha⁼, A. James⁼, J. D. Monk, H.-X. Zou, P.-J. Ke, A. Wright, M. D. Bimler, C. M. Moore, S. Pierre, L. N. Carley, and G. Kandlikar. When the window is a mirror: How do dominant theories limit our understanding of nature? (ESA 2023 INS23). Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. doi pdf
B. R. Kern, L. N. Carley, and D. A. Moeller. Direct tracking of pollen with quantum dots reveals surprising uniformity in dispersal distance across eleven populations of an annual plant. American Journal of Botany. doi pdf dataset
L. N. Carley, W. F. Morris, D. Riebe, R. Walsh, and T. Mitchell-Olds. Are genetic variation and demographic performance linked? Evolutionary Applications. doi pdf dataset
A. Simha*, C. Pardo de la Hoz, and L. N. Carley. Moving beyond the “diversity paradox”: the limitations of competition-based frameworks in understanding species diversity. The American Naturalist. doi pdf dataset
L. N. Carley, J. P. Mojica, B. Wang, C.-Y. Chen, Y.-P. Lin, K. V. S. K. Prasad, E. Chan, C.-W. Hsu, R. Keith, C. L. Nuñez, C. F. Olson-Manning, C. Rushworth, M. R. Wagner, J. Wang, P.-M. Yeh, M. Reichelt, K. Ghattas, J. Gershenzon, C.-R. Lee, and T. Mitchell-Olds. Ecological factors influence balancing selection on leaf chemical profiles of a wildflower. Nature Ecology & Evolution. doi pdf dataset blog
L. N. Carley and S. G. Letcher. Relaxation of putative plant defenses in a tropical agroecosystem. Ecology & Evolution. doi pdf dataset blog
L. N. Carley, R. Panchagavi, X. Song, S. Davenport, C. M. Bergemann, A. W. McCumber, C. K. Gunsch, and M. Simonin (2020) Long-term effects of copper nano-pesticides on soil and sediment microbiomes in two outdoor mesocosm experiments. Environmental Science & Technology. doi pdf
K. A. Stinson, L. N. Carley, L. Hancock, and K. Donohue (2019) Effects of maternal source and microhabitat on natural selection and population dynamics in Allaria petiolata. American Journal of Botany. doi pdf
P. Vaidya, A. McDurmon, E. Mattoon, M. Keefe*, L. Carley, C.-R. Lee, R. Bingham, and J. T. Anderson (2018) Ecological causes and consequences of flower color polymorphism in a self-pollinating plant (Boechera stricta). New Phytologist. doi pdf dataset